Get Out Of Your Own Way & Get Healthy Already!
I'm a physical therapist and I have seen patients with pain everyday for 12+ years. High achieving athletes, executives, and entertainers that are in chronic pain because of their job, lifestyle, mindset or worse. I preach about the importance of taking care of your whole health- not just your physical body daily. But, unfortunately we are all human and as soon as the pain subsides often does our drive to get well. However, if the underlying issue is not addressed pain and illness will show up again somewhere else in the body. The body is often not the issue- it is the just the best at sounding the alarm system.
As a physical therapist I am an educator, and a teacher by nature. I want to teach you how to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF so that you no longer get sick or injured. That is why I created this course series. So that you can get out of your own way and get healthy!
If you know me you know I am direct- I can't help myself. So here it is buy this course already so you stop wasting your time going to multiple doctors offices every week, wasting money on supplements or whatever the new health and wellness rage is.
This course is the introductory course. It is the first of four online courses. I designed this course with you in mind. I based it on the questions and issues my patients face on a daily basis. It will educate you on why we get sick and injured so that you can begin to make important, meaningful lifestyle changes. It is not the end, but the beginning of a life changing wellness journey. I invite you to invest in yourself today.